Jerry and I always start our morning off with a cup of coffee and sitting on the sofa for 20 to 30 minutes so the pups can relax with us. Katy loves to crawl up in our laps most mornings and stretch herself lengthwise with us. I think she enjoys listening to our heartbeats because this is an all too common occurrence. I love it because it is another opportunity to bond and tell her how much we love her. She is just as still and quiet as a little mouse. What I love, too, is sometimes when she opens her eyes, her mouth is a little wrinkled from what I recognize as a grin, something she loves to do when she is happy, aside from sleeping on her back.

Now for Charley. I don’t know if you can tell from the photo, but Charley Bear is sitting on my lap. He looks like he is a happy and contented pup. He came to live with us in April and has made great strides in adjusting to a new home. He is very intelligent, coy, humorous, dignified, and has a swagger like John Wayne. Whoa! What a gait that boy has and what an absolute delight and hidden gem.

And, last, but not least, Katy was perched up on the sofa in her favorite spot of the recliner portion, or what is Jerry’s spot when we watch the news or a movie. Charley decided this was the day that he was going to get close to her, so he hopped up on the sofa and laid down right behind her. Keep in mind, this is a very, very big sectional and he had a lot of places he could have laid down. All-in-all, what a glorious way to start a day, any day. I’ll take that anytime!!!!!