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  • Writer's pictureKathy Winkler Studio

A Teachable Moment V2 12-16-21

Some paintings just simply take a long time to complete. I have certainly had my challenges with this 16 x 20 canvas. I have had to go to my comfort zone and start painting the horses before I tackle the dad. I just need to have a little more bulk to play with, i.e., the horses.

Painting the horse on the left a red roan, and the horse on the right that Elise is sitting on, a light dapple gray. It is fun to bring the colors up to an ah ha moment of “yes, I think I have it.” Of course, what is going through my head is maybe this painting won’t turn out as I had hoped. It won’t be the first time, nor the last time that I have had to scrap a painting because I just couldn’t get into it. The problem is I really want this one to work out.


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