Well, this is not going to be the last time I write about Charley and Katy. But, I think their relationship is beginning to take hold; they are actually lying down next to each other and doing extra sniffing. She is still “boss” lady though.
Since Jerry and I are in the “twilight” years of our lives, we have been asked why would we bother getting another dog. We have arranged for the doodle organization to take them back should we become incapacitated or check out of this network, even with a little dowry to boot. The question is, why would you deny yourself the pleasure of friending a dog who would otherwise meet the grim reaper because no one else would want him/her or in our case both of them? They get the added benefit of people loving and caring for them if their family can’t. They are not castaways. Perhaps some justification in there, but no justification necessary. We love them unconditionally, and who knows, they just might add a few more years to our lives enjoying them as they do us.